A Modern Rebrand
Peak 3 Sports Physical Therapy is a sports PT and performance clinic outside of Charlotte, SC. The owner, Josh, sees patients one-on-one in a cash based setting. While his focus is primarily on sports rehab, he sees injuries of all levels and also offers individualized performance training. He came to me with the goal of feeling more confident with his branding and determining what he would need to elevate his current visual appearance. HIs primary brand descriptors were modern, sleek, clean, and professional.
Original Logo:
The Design Process
Upon our consultation, we discussed updating his color palette and logo to achieve a more modern look. We agreed upon a rebrand but wanted to maintain the same feel as his original branding so as to not confuse his audience.
To keep consistency with his original palette, I stuck with the green but provided deeper, earthier shades to help ground his color palette.
With his logo design, I focused on creating an icon that would create a strong, visual appearance and quickly be recognized by his audience. I provided him with a primary logo, secondary logo, and submark to provide him with more flexibility as well as detailed guidelines for when to use them.
Updated Logo: