SCOPE: Side Hustle Package, Add Ons

BRAND DESCRIPTORS:  bold, driven, motivating, original, unconventional

The Side Hustle Package

My client Ruben came to me needing a landing page for his clients. He was employed as a physical therapist but often took on individual clients looking for additional training. His goal was to create a simple logo to give his brand an identity and a landing page to direct athletes to his services. After discussing his needs, we agreed that my Side Hustle Package was perfect for him. 

winner's edge primary logo blue
the winners edge primary logo orange
the winnner's edge secondary logo
the winner's edge submark logo

The Design Process

During our consultation, Ruben admitted he wasn’t entirely sure what he was looking for from a design perspective. He knew he wanted something that felt like a Nike or Adidas campaign. We discussed creating something that would stand apart from all of the traditional PT logos out there and give him an elevated, modern feel. Through bold color and handwritten fonts, we created a brand that feels more like an Adidas ad than a stuffy PT clinic. 

primary logo on top of basketball court
secondary logo orange
logo mock up
winner's edge website mockup